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Submit Your 7 O’clock Pledge

Patriotic Background and invite to take part in 7 O'clock Pledge

Want to be on the radio?  Know the Pledge of Allegiance?  Here’s what you need to know. 

Weekday mornings at 7am, Cory Mikhals and HANK honor America with our 7 O’clock Pledge.  We would love to invite you, your classroom, family, or friends to submit the Pledge of Allegiance for use in our feature.

To participate, fill out the form below.  You can upload an .mp3 (or select audio and video types) or we can contact you to arrange the recording.

Thanks for your interest in being a part of the 7 O’clock Pledge and thanks for Cranking The HANK.

7 O'clock Pledge

Submit your 7 O'clock Pledge
Your Name(Required)
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: wav, mp3, aac, wma, pcm, aiff, mp4, avi, mov, wmv, Max. file size: 600 MB, Max. files: 5.

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