It is a common sight along Eastbound State Street. Drivers become confused when the inside lane suddenly turns into a left turn lane at 8th Street, forcing them to turn.
In high traffic, the right lane can back up so far that getting over is hopeless and drivers must turn and make their way back to State Street. If you can relate and have been hoping for improvements, they are listening!! Improvements are on the way and your input is needed.
Several groups have gotten together to help improve safety along State Street while also making it easier to use. Based on ideas from previous surveys, there are plans for improvements West of 8th Street to 14th Street. The Ada County Highway District, The City of Boise, Valley Regional Transit, and others have said that some of their goals are to repair pavement, fix drainage issues, and improve the safety and function of State Street. Some previous concerns addressed in the new plans include the safety of those biking along the street, crossing the street, and those making left-hand turns. In a video, ACHD shows us what that might look like:
Now that the plans are available, a new survey is open for those that will be affected by the plans, or have ideas to share. Drive safe while you are crankin’ the Hank around Boise!